MY Mission
I have been in the car industry for 35 years, and I will NOT sell you a car!
The point of this site and its content is to teach you everything, well almost everything, that I have learned over the past 35 years and help you better understand the business, the process of buying a vehicle, and finding the right one for you!

I had a passion for cars before I could drive. I went to car shows and worked on cars years before I could even drive one. I even worked at a dealership for two years before my driver’s license. I have worked in all areas of an auto dealership at some point. Service parts, body shop, detail, fiance, and most of my years in sales, then sales management. To succeed in this business, you need to stay in one place for a decent amount of time, many years. I know this is uncommon in almost any industry now but very rare in the automotive industry, where salespeople jump from one dealership to another looking for the easy one. I have been at a few dealerships, primarily due to changes of ownership and looking for opportunities, but I have stayed since, with 20 years under my belt at my current dealership.
I have been a part of tens of thousands of “car deals” and hundreds of thousands of customers over the years as a salesperson, a manager, and a finance manager. I have seen just about every type of deal/ translation that could take place at a dealership. I am currently the “Sales manager,” and I also have the role of the “store manager,” which is to handle all of the “other “ stuff our GM and owner need help with.
So I am “the guy,” the “man behind the curtain,” the one the salespeople run to for answers and final approval. Yep, if it is to be, it is up to me! OK, so maybe not quite like that, but it is MY responsibility to make sure that we sell cars, not just some, but as many as possible, and, of course, all while making a profit. Oh, and let me add EVERY MONTH. Yes, the pressure never changes or goes away to sell more than last month, last year, etc. We live a month at a time, starting over on the 1st of every month.
After so much time in the business and around cars, my passion for cars has changed… I no longer love going and looking at cars or even working on them. I no longer care about which one is fastest on the road, with a dream of a garage full of Porsches or Lamborghinis. (Well, I wouldn’t hate it.)
So, why am I telling you all of this? Because the point of this site and its content is to teach you everything, well almost everything, that I have learned over the past 35 years and help you better understand the business, the process of buying a vehicle, and finding the right one for you!
There is a firehose of information on everything in this industry, and everyone seems to be an expert or claims to be. I will never know it all, like your neighbor or the other car expert that works for one of those publications, letting you know about the next Ferrari or latest Bugatti. I will do my best to keep it down to earth and focus on actual vehicles, which 95% of the public can and will buy. So I will narrow down to the most essential and helpful information I can, with a little extra now and then.
Glad you came along for the ride.
Ps. YES, I am still working full-time in this industry, and NO, I will not sell you a car or ever ask you to buy a car. This website and content are NOT bashing the automotive sales industry. I understand that NOBODY likes automotive salespeople, so let’s work together and improve the experience of buying a new car!